
Plans to power your growth

Transparent pricing built to scale with you as you grow.
No hidden fees. No surprise overages. ROI guarantee.


For companies with 10,000+ key customer contacts & users.

starting at

Estimated lead volume:
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Retroactive: 1,000 - 3,000+
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Ongoing per month: 100 - 500+
What's included:
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Champify Native Salesforce Package
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Unlimited users & unlimited job changes
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ICP qualification, email alerts, reporting
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For companies with more than 40,000 key customer contacts & users.

starting at

Estimated lead volume:
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Retroactive: 5,000 - 10,000+
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Ongoing per month: 500 - 2,000+
Everything in startup, plus:
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Dedicated Customer Success Manager
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Slack alerting
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Account scoring
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For companies with more than 80,000 key customer contacts & users.


Estimated lead volume:
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Retroactive: 10,000+
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Ongoing per month: 2,000+
Everything in growth, plus:
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Custom automation & reporting
Check Circle Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template
Calendar contact sync included
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Quarterly Pipeline Audit
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How does Champify price?

Champify prices based on the volume of contacts monitored, which is directly correlated to qualified lead volume. This comes in multiple tiers and has economies of scale.

Why not charge per job change?

A substantial portion of job changes aren't relevant to your business. Additionally, predicting job change volume is difficult, and would still be based on # of contacts tracked x estimated turnover.

This means our incentives are aligned (don't surface noise) and you can have peace of mind with no surprises.

How can we monitor our consumption?

See the pre-built dashboard that comes with our Salesforce package to have easy access to your consumption. Additionally, if you are approaching your limits, the Champify team will notify you in advance, and work in good faith to address.

Does onboarding & services cost extra?

Yes, onboarding and customer success is an extra fee, typically ranging between $3-4k depending on your package and scope. Champify over invests in customer success, opens a slack channel with every customer, and personalizes your repeat buyer strategy for your business.

Does your Platform work with Hubspot CRM?

No, we do not have a native integration with Hubspot CRM. If you use Salesforce and Hubspot - we can sync Champify data to Hubspot using the Salesforce -> Hubspot Integration.

What if we have less then 10,000 contacts?

We have found that our platform drives the most impact and best ROI when you have at least 10,000 contacts to track. The major exception to this is companies with a very high ACV - in this case each contact is very high value.

Hear from our Champions

"Before Champify we were capturing ~10% of relevant customer job changes. People may say they're doing this with SalesNav,  but there's no real way to measure how many opportunities you're actually leaving behind. "

Adam Louie
Adam Louie
RevOps Manager

“Champify deals move a lot faster. No relationship building needed because it's already there, no 30k foot demo because they already know us... and that's where we usually get stuck.”

Ric Traferri
Ric Traferri
Director Global Sales

"Our entire company puts a lot of effort into building a great product and a base of customers who truly love it. With Champify that effort doesn’t just help us close deals, it opens new opportunities for us as well."

Becca Lindquist
Becca Lindquist
Head of Sales

“With Champify we were able to mitigate key person risk and operationalize our [Champion Channel] by bringing the data into our CRM so that we could easily take action. Champify has helped us uncover 2000 job changes that we had not yet recorded in our system."

Philip Armstrong
Philip Armstrong
Marketing Operations

"We had a very strong, expedited deal cycle with our, now, customer and are actively working on an expansion deal. Our Champify contact has looped in 10+ other stakeholders who are key to the expansion opps. Champify has made up 23% of my overall pipeline!”

Zack Hollingsworth
Zach Hollingsworth
Account Executive

"Champify will be the difference-maker to your pipeline this year, allowing your entire company to capitalize on the data and brand familiarity your former clients already have with you."

Sam McKenna #samsales
Sam Mckenna
Founder & CEO

"Fantastic team with quick response times and a great partnership alongside my sales leadership to implement successfully. Quick to offer solutions and iterate on product feedback to ship improvements. Highly recommend working with them."

Adara Parker
Adara Parker
Enterprise AE

"My favorite part is the segmentation of previous users of our solution. Helps us stay on top of where our champions/ambassadors are moving to... and have better decision-making on which accounts/prospects to focus on."

Ebrahim J
Ebrahim J.
Sr. Enterprise AE

"Not tracking your former clients costs you a ton of revenue if you aren't paying attention. Outbound doesn't always have to mean It's cold... it's about getting net new business through any channel possible. Champify solves this by organizing your former clients in a simple format so your reps can be thoughtful and insightful on how they reach out."

morgan ingram
Morgan Ingram
5x LinkedIn Top Sales Voice