Customer Success

Build new relationships when key contacts leave customer accounts

Email templates and strategies for building new champions, when your primary contact leaves your customer


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Entry Criteria

A key customer sponsor leaves a customer account.

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Auto trigger "customer departure" playbook in your CSM tool, to proactively address relationship risk.

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Why it works

51% of the time, champion change triggers customer churn within 12 months. Acting on these events can proactively reduce relationship risk.


Configure your play

Routing & Alerting: assign to and alert the rep responsible for the customer account.

Customer Success Playbook: map the Champify "no longer at company" field to your Customer Success tool. Set up a playbook & task to trigger for key contact departure, and include the recommended messaging below.

Reporting: within your customer success tool, front-line managers can easily understand task completion and influence on renewal health.

Email Templates